Board Members
Mrs. Tessa Yon
Board Chair/ Zone 1
Phone: 208-440-1836

Mr. Doyle Hope
Trustee/Zone 3
Phone: 208-536-2972
Trustee/Zone 3
Phone: 208-536-2972

Mr. Quin Young
Trustee/Zone 5
Phone: 208-490-3193
Trustee/Zone 5
Phone: 208-490-3193

Ms. Michelle Ponce
Trustee/Zone 2
Phone: 208-358-7054
Trustee/Zone 2
Phone: 208-358-7054

Mr. Jack Lancaster
Trustee/Zone 4
Phone: 208-539-6378
Trustee/Zone 4
Phone: 208-539-6378

School District Policies
- 300 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 302 Administrative Appointment.pdf
- 304 Superintendent Authority, Appointment and Evaluation.pdf
- 308 Principals.pdf
- 310 Principal Evaluations.pdf
- 312 Administrative Personnel Expenses.pdf
- 314 Employing Retired Administrators.pdf
- 350 School Calendar.pdf
- 352 District Organization.pdf
- 354 Emergency School Closure.pdf
- 355 Health or State National Emergency Plan.pdf
- 356 School Holidays.pdf
- 500 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 502 Student Handbooks.pdf
- 504 Student Publications.pdf
- 506 Student Harassment.pdf
- 506.5 Prohibition Against Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying.pdf
- 508 Foreign Exchange Students_{SISC659AE4882E5}.pdf
- 509 Juvenile Sex Offenders.pdf
- 511Tracking Foreign Students and Foreign Exchange Visitors.pdf
- 512 School Climate.pdf
- 514 Evacuation Drills.pdf
- 516 Freedom of Speech.pdf
- 517 Student Dress Code.pdf
- 518 Student Use of Personal Communication Devices.pdf
- 520 Enrollment and Transfer.pdf
- 521 Attendance Zones.pdf
- 522 School Attendance And Habitual Truancy
- 523 Attendance Records
- 524 Student Driving Privileges.pdf
- 528 Divorced or Estranged Parent Rights and Responsibilities.pdf
- 529 F1 Open Campus Permission Form.pdf
- 529 Open Campus.pdf
- 540 Maintenance of Orderly Conduct.pdf
- 541 - Prohibition of Weapons.pdf
- 542 Searches by School Officials.pdf
- 543 Student Suspension.pdf
- 544 Student Expulsion Denial of Enrollment.pdf
- 545 Disciplining Students with Disabilities (IDEA).pdf
- 546 Disciplining Students with Disabilities 504.pdf
- 546 Disciplining Students with Disabilities 504.pdf
- 547 Corporal Punishment.pdf
- 548 Theft or Destruction of School Property.pdf
- 549 Prohibition of Gang Activities.pdf
- 550 Assault and Battery.pdf
- 551 Student Drug Alcohol and Tobacco Use.pdf
- 552 Hazing Prohibition.pdf
- 553 Restraint and Seclusion.pdf
- 554 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response.pdf
- 555 Communicable Diseases.pdf
- 558 Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy
- 560 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).pdf
- 560.5 Prohibition Against Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying.pdf
- 561 Administering Medications.pdf
- 561F1 Emergency Anaphylaxis Reporting Form.pdf
- 561F2 Authorization for Self Administration of Medication.pdf
- 561F3 Authorization for Administration of Medication.pdf
- 561P1 Emergency Anaphylaxis Procedures.pdf
- 561.5 Administering Medication Diabetes.pdf
- 562 Exclusion for Communicable Diseases.pdf
- 563 Exclusion for Head Lice.pdf
- 564 Health Records and Emergency Care.pdf
- 565 Immunization Requirements
- 566 Student Suicide Tendencies and Suicide Prevention and Response.pdf
- 566P Student Suicide Prevention Procedures.pdf
- 567 Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.pdf
- 568.50 Concussion and Head Injury Guidelines.pdf
- 568.50P1 Procedures Regarding Concussions.pdf
- 569 - School Wellness.pdf
- 570 Extracurricular and Co Curricular Student Activities Revised.pdf
- 571 Interscholastic Activities.pdf
- 572 Eligibility and Participation in Interscholastic.pdf
- 573 Athletic Activities Insurance.pdf
- 574 Extracurricular Awards.pdf
- 575 Transportation to School-Sponsored Activities.pdf
- 576 Field Trips.pdf
- 577 Extended Field Trips.pdf
- 578 Student Athlete Drug Testing.pdf
- 578P1 Procedures for Drug and Alcohol Testing of Students Participating.pdf
- 579 Procedures for Classroom Observation.pdf
- 580 Recruiters in the School.pdf
- 581 Student Tracking Safety Devices.pdf
- 700 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 702 Student Transportation System Revised and New Number.pdf
- 716 Transportation Liability Insurance Revised.pdf
- 718 Contracts for Student Transportation Service.pdf
- 720 Activity Busing Revised.pdf
- 720F1 Parent Guardian Consent Form NEW.pdf
- 722 Unauthorized School Bus Entry Revised.pdf
- 730 Student Bus Conduct.pdf
- 732 School Bus Emergencies.pdf
- 734 Transportation for Students in Foster Care NEW.pdf
- 736 Transportation of Special Populations.pdf
- 738 School Bus Drivers Revised.pdf
- 740 Duties of School Bus Drivers Revised.pdf
- 744 Bus Driver Drug and Alcohol Testing Program.pdf
- 770 - Food and Nutrition Services.pdf
- 772 - Charging School Meals.pdf
- 774 Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales NEW.pdf
- 900 Statement of Guiding Principals.pdf
- 902 Building and Grounds Maintenance and Development.pdf
- 904 Building Safety .pdf
- 906 Asbestos Management Plan.pdf
- 908 Display of National Motto
- 910 Use of School District Facilities.pdf
- 920 Acquisition and Sale of Personal Property.pdf
- 922 Acquisition and Sale of Real Property.pdf
- 930 Contracts for Recreational Facilities.pdf
- 932 Use of Contract Services.pdf
- 934 Trespass on School District Properties.pdf
- 940 Electronic Surveillance.pdf
- 950 Tobacco Use of District Property.pdf
- 970 Service Animals.pdf
- 970P Service Animal Procedures.pdf
- 972 Facility Therapy Dogs.pdf
- 972F1 Facility Therapy Dog Request Form and Agreement.pdf
- 990 Bloodborne Pathogens.pdf
- 200 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 202 School District Name and Classification.pdf
- 204 Policy Adoption.pdf
- 205 Continuous Improvement Plan.pdf
- 210 - Composition of the Board.pdf
- 212 Board Authority.pdf
- 214 Functions of the Board.pdf
- 215 - Powers and Duties of the Board.pdf
- 216 Duties of Board Officers.pdf
- 218 Code of Ethics.pdf
- 219_Ethics_in_Government.pdf
- 220 Advisory Committees.pdf
- 222 Complaint Resolution.pdf
- 224.Membership in State and National Associations.
- 226 Compensation for Expenses.pdf
- 226.Compensation for Expenses
- 228 Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf
- 240 School District Trustee Zones.pdf
- 242 - Trustee Qualifications.pdf
- 244 Trustee Nomination and Election.pdf
- 246 Trustee Vacancy.pdf
- 262 Board Meetings.pdf
- 262P Board Meeting Rules of Order and Procedure.pdf
- 276 .pdf
- 276 Access to Public Records.pdf
- 276F1 Access to Public Records 3 Day Response Letter.pdf
- 276F2 Access to Public Records Response Letter.pdf
- 276 F3 Public Records Request Form.pdf
- 277 Record Retention and Destruction.pdf
- 280 Waivers of the State Board of Education Rules.pdf
- 290 - Nondiscrimination Policy.pdf
- 292 Reasonable Accommodations.pdf
- 292P1 Americans with Disabilities Complaint Procedure.pdf
- 294 Civil Rights Grievance Procedure.pdf
- 294P1 Civil Rights Grievance Procedure.pdf
- 295 - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Hearing Procedure.pdf
- 296 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Hearing Procedure_{SISAA85BF497ADC}.pdf
- #296 - Title IX Policy.pdf
- 296F1 Title IX Grievance Procedure Reporting Form NEW.pdf
- 296F2 Title IX Notice of Allegations Template NEW .pdf
- 296F4 Title IX Notice of Allegations Respondent Witness NEW.pdf
- 296F5 Title IX Notice Delay NEW.pdf
- 296F3 Title IX Grievance Procedure Notice Template Respondent NEW.pdf
- 296P1 - Title IX Grievance Procedure.pdf
- 400 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 400.10 Statement of Guiding Principles .pdf
- 400.5 Reporting New Employees.pdf
- 401 P1 Procedures for Requesting Reasonable Accommodation.pdf
- 401 Reasonable Workplace Accommodation to Qualified Individuals with Disabilities.pdf
- 401.5 Job Description.pdf
- 401F1 Request for Reasonable Accommodations Form.pdf
- 401F2 Medical Release (Request for Reasonable Accommodations).pdf
- 401F3 Letter to Healthcare Provider (Request for Reasonable Accommodation).pdf
- 401F4 Physician Request for Reasonable Accommodations Form.pdf
- 402 Criminal History Checks for Employees, Volunteers and Contractors.pdf
- 403 Employee Drug and Alcohol Use.pdf
- 404 Information on Past Job Performance.pdf
- 404.50 Information on Past Job Performance.pdf
- 405 Gifts to Employees.pdf
- 406 Investigation and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse, Abandonment, or Neglect.pdf
- 407 Family and Medical Leave Act FMLA Revised.pdf
- 407.50 Sick Leave.pdf
- 409 Military Duty.pdf
- 409.50 Administrative Leave for Certificated Employees.pdf
- 410 Non-Discrimination in Employment.pdf
- 410.5 Non-Discrimination in Employment - Employment and Supervision of Immediate Family.pdf
- 411 Personnel Files.pdf
- 412 General Personnel Regulations.pdf
- 413 Political Activities.pdf
- 414_Sexual_Harassment.pdf
- 415 Staff Protection.pdf
- 416 Whistle Blower.pdf
- 417 Employee Volunteers.pdf
- 418 Personnel Conflict of Interest.pdf
- 419 Hiring Process and Criteria.pdf
- 420 Worker's Compensation Benefits.pdf
- 423 Employee Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying.pdf
- 430 Qualifications and Training Requirements of Instructional Paraprofessionals.pdf
- 440 Employment of Certificated Employees .pdf
- 441 Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfer of Certificated Employees.pdf
- 442 Code of Ethics for Certificated Employees.pdf
- 442F1 Code of Ethics for Certificated Employees Acknowledgment of Receipt.pdf
- 443.Certificated Employee Evaluations
- 444 Employment Contracts with Certificated Employees.pdf
- 445 Employee Tuition Reimbursement}.pdf
- 446 Negotiated Agreement Terms.pdf
- 447 Recruitment of Certificated Employees.pdf
- 448 Reduction in Force Regarding Certificated Employees REVISED
- 448F1 Reduction in Force Form NEW.pdf
- 448P1 Reduction in Force Procedures NEW
- 449 Release from Contract of Certificated Employees.pdf
- 450 Release Time for Certificated Employees.pdf
- 450.5 Release Time for Certificated Employees.pdf
- 452 Suspension of Teaching Certificate.pdf
- 454 Discharge of Certificated Employees.pdf
- 455 Master Teachers.pdf
- 456 Reading Programs In-Service Training.pdf
- 457 Supplemental Contracts.pdf
- 459 Reassignment of Administrative Employees.pdf
- 460 Certificated Employees Informal Review Procedure.pdf
- 461 Grievance Procedure for Certificated Employees.pdf
- 464 FLSA Exempt Employees.pdf
- 465.Employing Retired Personnel
- 466 Leadership Premiums for Instructional Employees.pdf
- 470 Definition of Non Certificated Personnel.pdf
- 472.50 Retirement Severance Pay.pdf
- 474 Evaluation of Non Certificated Personnel.pdf
- 475 Extra-Duty Hours for Non-Certificated Employees.pdf
- 475 Non Exempt Employees and Overtime Requirments.pdf
- 476 Grievance Procedure for Non-Certificated Employees.pdf
- 476P1 Grievance Procedure for Non Certificated Employees.pdf
- 481 Code of Dress.pdf
- 490 Employee Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media.pdf
- 490.50 Administrative Leave for Certificated Employees.pdf
- 491 Employee Internet Use.pdf
- 494 Vaccination Policy.pdf
- 600 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 602 Accreditation.pdf
- 604 Personnel Standards.pdf
- 607 Elementary School Required Instruction.pdf
- 608 - Middle School Required Instruction.pdf
- 609 Middle School Credit.pdf
- 609.5 Awarding High School Credit for Courses Taken Before Ninth Grade.pdf
- 610 High School Graduation Requirements.pdf
- 613 Idaho Opportunity Scholarship Program Revised.pdf
- 614 Commencement.pdf
- 616 Early Graduation.pdf
- 618 Correspondence Courses.pdf
- 620 Credit Acceptance for Transferring Students.pdf
- 622 Credit by Examination.pdf
- 623 Extended Learning Opportunities.pdf
- 623F1 Extended Learning Opportunities.pdf
- 623F2 Extended Learning Opportunities Memorandum of Understanding.pdf
- 623F3 Extended Learning Opportunities Memorandum of Understanding.pdf
- 624 Participation in Statewide Assessments
- 626 Promotion of Students.pdf
- 628 Homework.pdf
- 630 Dual Enrollment.pdf
- 632 Open Enrollment.pdf
- 633 Dual Credit Programs.pdf
- 633F1 Dual Credit Programs Acknowledgment of Counseling.pdf
- 634 Postsecondary Enrollment Options.pdf
- 635 Student Safety Measures.pdf
- 638 Alternative Credit Options.pdf
- 640 Selection Curriculum of Materials.pdf
- 641 Citizenship US Constitution National Flag and Colors.pdf
- 642 Communication Skills.pdf
- 643 Parental Rights in Education.pdf
- 644 Controversial Issues.pdf
- 646 Guest Speakers.pdf
- 648 Health Wellness.pdf
- 650 Lesson Plans.pdf
- 652 Library and Resource Center Materials.pdf
- 652F Library and Resource Center Materials Complaint Form.pdf
- 652P Library and Resource Center Materials Procedures.pdf
- 654 Selection of Curriculum Materials.pdf
- 656 Sex Education.pdf
- 658 Social Studies
- 660 Technology.pdf
- 662 Textbook Adoption Committee.pdf
- 664 Workforce Skills.pdf
- 668 Self Directed Learners.pdf
- 668F1 Self Directed Learners Learning Contract.pdf
- 668P Self Directed Learners Procedure.pdf
- 670 Special Education.pdf
- 670.10 Special Education Written Agreements.pdf
- 671 Section 504.pdf
- 672 Gifted and Talented Education.pdf
- 673 Reading Assessment and Intervention Program.pdf
- 674 English Learner Program.pdf
- 675 Driver Training Education.pdf
- 676 Placement of Students at Alternative Schools Revised.pdf
- 677 Title 1 Development of Parent and Family Engagement Policy.pdf
- 677.10 Title 1 Parental Involvement.pdf
- 677.50 Federal Impact Aid.pdf
- 678 Release Time.pdf
- 678F1 Release Time Application Form.pdf
- 679 F1 Homeless Student Education Notification of Enrollment Decision Form.pdf
- 679 F2 Homeless Student Education Appeal of Enrollment Decision Form.pdf
- 679 Homeless Student Education.pdf
- 679.60 Out-of-State Students in Residential Facilities.pdf
- 679.70 Students in Foster Care.pdf
- 680 Transfer of Student Records
- 680.50 Student Surveys and Medical Exams
- 681 Student Records.pdf
- 681.5 - Student Data Privacy and Security.pdf
- 682 Class Record Book.pdf
- 684 Grading.pdf
- 686 Permanent Student Records.pdf
- 688 Report Cards.pdf
- 690 Student Learning Plans.pdf
- 696 Computer Software.pdf
- 698 Acceptable Use of Internet Computer and Mobile Computing Devices and Network Resources for Students.pdf
- 698F1 Student Internet Use Authorization.pdf
- 699 Technology Instruction and Determining Average Daily Attendance ADA NEW.pdf
- 800 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 802 Fidelity Bond.pdf
- 804 Insurance.pdf
- 805 Bond Fund.pdf
- 806 Fund Balance and Fiscal Management.pdf
- 807 Bond and Licensure Requirements for Public Works.pdf
- 808 Conditions for Use of District Vehicles.pdf
- 810 Budget Planning.pdf
- 812 Budget Adjustments.pdf
- 814 Monthly Budget and Treasurers Report.pdf
- 816 Disclosure Requirements for Bond and Levy Elections.pdf
- 820 Annual Statement of Financial Condition.pdf
- 822 Audit of Financial Statements.pdf
- 830 Gifts, Grants and Bequests.pdf
- 832 Income from Sale or Use of School Property.pdf
- 834 Increase in Fees.pdf
- 836 Investments.pdf
- 838 Activity Funds.pdf
- 840 Payroll Deductions.pdf
- 850 Purchasing.pdf
- 850.30 Purchasing Services or Personal Property.pdf
- 850.6 Service Contracts.pdf
- 850.90 Public Works Construction.pdf
- 850P1 Supplemental Purchasing Procedures.pdf
- 852 Issuance of Checks.pdf
- 854 Cancellation of Checks.pdf
- 856 Lease and Purchase Agreements.pdf
- 858 Payment for Goods and Services.pdf
- 860 Purchase Orders.pdf
- 862 Signature Authority.pdf
- 864 Use of School District Credit Cards.pdf
- 868 Use of District Credit Cards.pdf
- 870 Board of Trustee Records.pdf
- 871 Storage and Retrieval of Business Records.pdf
- 872 Inventory Records.pdf
- 874 Personnel Records.pdf
- 876 District Expenditure Transparency.pdf
- 877 Time and Effort Reporting Requirements.pdf
- 877F1 Time and Effort Supervisor's Certification Assurance Form.pdf
- 877F2 Time and Effort Personnel Activity Report Form.pdf
- 877F3 Time and Effort Employee Certification Assurance Form.pdf
- 877P1 Time and Effort Reporting Procedure.pdf
- 1000 Statement of Guiding Principles.pdf
- 1002 Parent Involvement in Educational Process.pdf
- 1004 Cooperation with Law Enforcement and Other Agencies.pdf
- 1004 Cooperation With Law Enforcement and Other Agencies.pdf
- 1006 Registered Sex Offenders.pdf
- 1010 Community Involvement.pdf
- 1012 Patron Complaint.pdf
- 1014 Public Relations.pdf
- 1020 Student Community Involvement.pdf
- 1022 Public Performance by Students.pdf
- 1024 Contests Projects and Fundraising.pdf
- 1026 Participation in Fund Drives.pdf
- 1028 Money-Raising Activities in School.pdf
- 1030 Student Support Organization.pdf
- 1040 Gifts to Personnel.pdf
- 1042 Loan of School Equipment.pdf
- 1044 Advertising and Distributing Materials in the Schools by Non School Related Entities.pdf
- 1046 Patron Conduct at District Programs and Activities.pdf
- 1050 Parental Notifications.pdf
- 1054 Recruitment of High School Students.pdf
- 1055 Unmanned Aircraft Systems.pdf