Title IX

The Wendell School District is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from sex and gender-based harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Accordingly, the District prohibits harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and pregnancy, as well as retaliation against individuals who report allegations of sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination, file a formal complaint, or participate in a grievance process.

Students, employees, or other members of the District community who believe that they have been subjected to sex or gender-based harassment, discrimination, or retaliation should report the incident to the Title IX Coordinators, who will provide information about supportive measures and the applicable grievance process(es). Violations of this policy may result in discipline for both students and District employees.

Title IX Coordinators for the Wendell School District

Perrigot, Dr. Tim
District Service Center
Title IX Coordinator
 Kerbs, Nathan
Wendell Athletics
Title IX Decision-Maker
Jadwin, Brian
Wendell Middle School
Title IX Investigator

ICS permits the posting of its training materials as required by OCR in §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the new Title IX Regulations. You agree that your school district may post training material on its website only if it has been used to train the school district’s Title IX personnel, and only to the extent necessary to comply with Title IX. Any other use or effort to republish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, display, disclose, or distribute this material shall constitute infringement. © 2020 Institutional Compliance Solutions All rights reserved.

Title IX Coordinator: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-k-12-title-ix-coordinator/
Level 1 https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-k-12-investigator-training/
Level 2 https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-k-12-virtual-certified-level-2-investigator-training/
Decision Maker https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-k-12-decision-maker-all-sessions/